07/09/2025 – 14/09/2025 all-day
John Horton


We’re based in the Duddon valley, an idyllic backwater away from the crowds. I’ve booked bunks for us at High Moss Cottage (grid ref SD237966, a modern climbing hut with good facilities and with some great climbing within walking distance. There’s no phone signal and you’ve got to go miles to get one – bliss! We’ve stayed here a few times and always have a good time.

Twenty minutes away is Wallowbarrow, of which Rockfax says: ‘sits in a magnificent position…friendly grades…rock quality and protection are good’. Just over an hour away is Dow Crag, one of the classic Lakes big cliffs; the FRCC guidebook says: ‘first class climbing…right across the grading spectrum…a superb setting’. There are also lots of other crags nearby. Because it’s such a quiet area most of the routes see little traffic and can be a bit green, so you can feel a bit like an explorer.

We’ll be sharing the chores in the hut. I’ve booked six bunks; if it looks like there are going to be more of us, I’ll see what I can arrange with the hut warden and I’ll probably need a deposit.

Organiser: John H

Sign up on the Facebook event or email johnhorton(@)ntlworld.com



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